Solicitation 3.0
Inviting global companies and startups to address challenges in areas of artificial intelligence, communications, cyber security, cognitive performance etc.
We are seeking novel approaches to enhance the selection process for pilots.
Artificial Intelligence could possibly assist companies in adopting novel approaches to enhance their candidate selection process to identify and engage potential candidates.

How might we enhance security for processing private data using public Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) infrastructure?
Public GPU infrastructure could provide organisations with agility and flexibility in leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) capabilities. However, there is a need to mitigate potential exposure to cyber-attacks on shared computing environments, and have effective security controls over data access and processing.
How might we ensure resilient and secure device-to-device communication during a mobile communication network disruption?
When a mobile communication network capacity is disrupted, the consequences can be severe for emergency responders.

We are seeking innovative digital solutions to better track, manage, and recommend asset movement.
Computer applications that can track asset movements and their localities and support the deconfliction of asset movement requests and locality availability. The application should be able to provide decision support recommendations to prompt the operator to move assets in and out of the localities based on predefined rules and events.
We are seeking solutions to detect, recognise, and track objects easily with different sensor performance and viewpoints.
Changes in sensor performance and viewpoints may require repeated algorithm refinements or developments to detect, recognise, and track objects.

We are seeking an on-premises software tool to extract accurate answers from a large repository of documents containing jargons, acronyms, hand-drawn images, graphs, charts, and tables.
It is time-consuming to manually search and extract relevant information from a large repository of documents (e.g. ppt, pdf) with acronyms, hand-drawn images, graphs, charts, and tables.
How might we detect unsafe behaviours or conditions without any prior trained data?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used in video surveillance but its application could be limited by its need for context-specific training data.

How might we utilise cameras and computer vision to provide accurate geographical location for Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and self-driving vehicles?
Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) and self-driving vehicles need to accurately locate themselves in outdoor urban terrain, even when navigational systems such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals are intermittent.